What You Need To Know About Dog Food Allergy Symptoms

When it comes to dog food allergy symptoms, your dog may have a more difficult time suppressing his or her reactions than you or anyone else could. Food allergies and canine infections can also mean food allergies too. Catching this condition early can help your dog live a happier and healthier life. Here are some warning signs and what to look for when your dog starts to show them.


Ear infections Many dogs have experienced ear infections as puppies but many times these do not cause serious problems. However, the ears can be extremely irritated and can cause your dog food allergy symptoms of a chronic infection is present. Runny eyes, frequent ear scratching, and swollen or red eyes can all be signs of food sensitivity.


Allergies Many dogs suffer from a reaction to one or two types of preservatives. One common problem that can appear with preservatives is the presence of listeria. This is a bacteria found in meats and some dairy products and can cause serious gastrointestinal problems, diarrhea, and even death if an infection occurs. It is very important to know exactly what ingredients are in your dog’s diet so you can remove those that can cause allergic reactions. In addition, dogs can be sensitive to additives such as flavors, colorings, and preservatives.


Grain-Free Dog Foods Many dogs suffer from a reaction to one or more types of grain in commercial dog foods. Even though it may seem like your dog is eating healthy white rice or some other bland grain, the fact is that grains in commercial diets can cause dogs to have food allergies or develop a severe intolerance to grains. Some examples are corn, wheat, corn meal, or soy. Most grain-free dog foods are simply a watered down version of commercially available diets.

Meat Products Dogs that suffers from dog food allergy symptoms may also have problems with meat products. Some examples are chicken, beef, seafood, turkey, and eggs. Although there are some excellent homemade dog foods, many owners still find that some commercially available dog foods contain preservatives and other additives that can be detrimental to health. Also, as much as possible, try to avoid feeding your dog a large amount of meat. Small amounts of meat are fine up to a point, but anything more than that should be avoided.


Ear Infections One of the common dog food allergy symptoms is a constant itching of the ears. Although this can be caused by several things, infections of the outer ear are one of the most frequent causes. Because ear infections are the result of infections of the ear drum, it is essential that if you suspect an ear infection that you visit your vet right away for a proper diagnosis.


Dog Food Allergy Symptoms – Other common dog food allergies include lactose intolerance and histamine reactions. These symptoms include excessive licking of the lips and drooling. These can be eliminated by carefully checking the ingredient label on the kibble you feed your pooch. Many commercial foods available today have been processed to the point that they contain minimal levels of dairy and histamine which means that your dog should not have problems with drinking water or excessive scratching or vomiting.


Dog Food Allergy Symptoms – Another symptom is skin problems. Skin infections are generally not serious, but they do need to be dealt with by your vet. Symptoms of skin problems include redness, warmth, swelling, blisters, crusting, dry flaky skin, and bumps. These skin problems can be eliminated by carefully removing any fleas and ticks that your dog has come into contact with.

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