Puppy Biting – Tips For Dealing With Aggressive Puppy Behavior
Do you have aggressive puppy biting problems? If so, you need to get your puppy bite training right away. Puppy biting is a common problem among breeds of dogs, and it can actually be prevented if you train your dog when he or she is not aggressive to begin with. In order to start working on stopping aggressive puppy biting, let’s look at the underlying cause and possible solutions.
First, there are two ways to effectively stop aggressive puppy biting: First, you must deal with situations during which your dog becomes aggressive. Second, you may train positive behaviors to form instead of aggressive mouthing. For example, when your dog bites someone, you tell him “No” and take him or her by the scruff of its neck. It’s a simple exercise that takes only seconds. After several attempts of this behavior, your dog will likely understand that he is hurting you when he bites, and he will stop biting.
The second way to help your dog to prevent aggressive puppy biting is to teach him to bite inhibition. Most dogs have no problem biting people, but they do have a real problem when they bite too hard. They don’t have a problem with hurting you, but their teeth are just way too sharp for your skin to withstand. As a result, your dog will release adrenaline and start biting more gently. This is why so many owners call in their dog to a vet after they see him bite someone. It’s important that you take your dog to the vet immediately when your canine bites someone – otherwise, the wound will just get infected, and you’ll have to deal with a lot more pain.
So, how do you teach aggressive puppy biting inhibition? The best way is through positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement helps you instill in your dog the proper biting etiquette – and the proper way to discipline him (or her).
To start, make sure that your dog understands the difference between “growling” and aggressive puppy biting. When he or she bites you, it doesn’t mean that he or she is attacking you; it’s simply expressing his or her annoyance at you. If your dog growls at you while you’re trying to pet him or her, or if he or she bites and shakes his or her body towards you, this is the sign that he or she is irritated. It’s also the sign that he or she is about to growl, so take a step back and try to see the situation from the puppy’s point of view. Many owners will simply growl right back at the puppy in defense mode, which only makes things worse.
The way to discipline your dog is to use a firm “NO” and a “No.” Your puppy should understand that this is only appropriate. If you give in to him or her when he or she starts to bite, then you are only teaching your dog that biting is acceptable, and that he or she is safe if they bite. You want to work on establishing your dominance as the owner, and this means that you must be firm with your dogs. This doesn’t mean that you have to ignore your dog completely; you just have to let him or her know that you will not tolerate any bad behavior.
Another important thing to remember is that aggressive canine behaviour can be learned. Just like children, puppies are often picked on for their aggressive behaviour from an early age, so it is important to start training your dog as soon as possible. Don’t use fear or intimidation, but instead use love and praise. This will help to desensitize your dog to the behavior. When they start to mimic the behaviour, and seem to become comfortable with it, you will start to notice that their biting is less frequent.
Training your puppies to refrain from biting should take place when they are still puppies. This is because most puppies love to chew, and if they are not removed from the puppy pen at an early age, they will gnaw on everything within reach. Some dogs actually need to be hand-fed every day, which is not a pleasant experience for them. However, some breeds are just naturally gnawing machines. If you have a breed in which every breed out there chews easily, then maybe it is time to consider getting one of those breeds.