Are the Dog Training Techniques You Are Using Humiliating Your Dog?

Are the Dog Training Techniques You Are Using Humiliating Your Dog?

There are some training your dog techniques which involve using force to hold your new puppy capable until it submits for your requirements because alpha pack leader. This might mean dropping your new puppy and rolling it on its back and holding it there. It might also mean holding the dog’s snout and staring into…

Don’t Let the Dog Walk You – Stop Dog Pulling Leash Habits

Don’t Let the Dog Walk You – Stop Dog Pulling Leash Habits

Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to take your four-legged companion together with you wherever you go? You could both have a peaceful stroll neighborhood or perhaps a canine focused shopping spree at your local pet shop (provided they permit Fido to tag along when you browse, as many do nowadays). Unfortunately, for a…