How to Stop a Dog From Jumping Up on Strangers
Learning how to stop a dog from jumping up on strangers is not always as easy as it seems. However, it is possible and it’s also very doable if you have a little patience and work towards your goal each day. It might take a few days or maybe even a week or two but it can be done. The first thing you need to know is why your dog jumps up on people. It might not always be because they are excited or because they are trying to look cool but sometimes they do it just for attention.
If this is the case, the best way to stop this behavior is by redirecting your dog to another location instead of asking him to sit or lie down. This is a very important lesson for how to stop a dog from jumping up on strangers. If you don’t do this, you might be dealing with a stubborn dog that will continue to jump. Just remember that dogs are naturally curious creatures that like to learn new things.
A great tip on how to stop a dog from jumping up on people is to give him a treat after he has jumped on an object. If your dog loves to chew things, then he might jump on your ankles or shoes. To keep him from doing this, take off your shoes and give your dog a bone to chew on. He will soon understand that when you tell him to sit or down, you mean what you say and you don’t want him jumping on you because it makes you uncomfortable.
Another way to stop a dog from jumping up on people is by distracting him with his favorite toy or ball. If your dog likes to play with a ball, then try tossing the ball in the opposite direction from where he is jumping. This way, he won’t see the ball rolling past him. This is one of the best ways on how to stop a dog from jumping up on people.
If your dog loves running and jumping, then you need to take him outside often so he can run and play. The more times you take him outside, the less chance he will jump on someone. Try taking your dog for runs at the park or even in the neighborhood so he gets used to being outside instead of just being inside your house.
If you really want to know how to stop a dog from jumping up on people, then you should take him to the park for walks. You should also take him with you when you go places so he is familiar with the environment. For added safety, you can buy a stroller so you can bring him with you. This way, he won’t feel like he is being abandoned by you. He will feel more secure knowing he has his owner with him.
Another thing you can do when learning how to stop a dog from jumping up on people is to get him used to sleeping next to his owner. During training, you can let him sleep with you but when he is older, you can separate him into two rooms. This will help him not to think about being on the other side when there are strangers around. During the day, you can let him out to do what he wants but during the night, you can put him in his room.
These are just a couple of the things you can do when learning how to stop a dog from jumping up on people. Just remember that if you aren’t going to be home for a while, then you should leave your dog alone. If you keep him in his room, he might become accustomed to jumping up on people when he is let out. Once he gets used to it though, you will find that he doesn’t mind at all.