An Emergency Dog Heat Stroke Treatment
Dog heatstroke can be fatal if not treated promptly. Your dog cannot regulate its body temperature on its own so it needs help. Heat stroke is simply an increase in the dog’s internal temperature, which can cause serious injury. There are steps you can take to help your dog stay healthy and warm during the winter months.
Heat stroke symptoms include excessive panting, gagging, weakness, diarrhea and dilated pupils. The dog will usually have a bluish tint to its fur. The dog’s normal body temperature will be around 101F. If your dog’s core temperature becomes higher and reaches consistently higher levels over time, then heat stroke has started.
To avoid heat-related issues with your pet, you should monitor your dog for any of these symptoms. Some of the more obvious signs include the following: excessive panting, vomiting, diarrhea or blood in the stool, seizures and weakness. It is important that any of these changes do not go unchecked as they may indicate other health problems. Talk to your veterinarian about dog heat stroke treatment. In most cases, your pet will receive a prescription for fluids and rest.
You should check-up on your pets on a regular basis for signs of heat related illness. Check the temperature and heart rate of your pet. Bring your dog in if you suspect he may be experiencing any of these conditions. Be prepared – your veterinarian is never short on time when it comes to recommending heat treatment options for your dogs. He may suggest you use a specially designed heating unit to keep your dog cool.
Shade is another important aspect of dog heat stroke prevention. Dogs are natural shade givers and enjoy bouncing down in the shade from time to time. Dogs can’t stay cool without sun exposure. However, shade can cause issues if dogs are left out in the hot sun all day. Make sure to allow your dog to have some shade at all times. Consider harnessing your dog and letting him wear a sweater or large coat to stay cool.
Uncontrollable heat can also happen to your pets when the weather gets too hot. Do you have plants in your yard? How about trees? If you have many of these structures around your home, they can pose a barrier to cooling winds. The heat from the sun will rise and get into these structures, causing them to become overheated. It is best to make sure you trim all of these things off of your property so your dogs will not be affected by the high temperatures.
All of these aspects can lead to canine heat exhaustion. If your dog begins to show signs of fatigue, it is important to get him to a veterinarian right away. He may need to have fluids and rest, but he will likely be given a prescription for fluids and rest, which will help alleviate the problem.
Heating pads, coolers, and low wattage cooling systems are often the best types of cooling for dogs. These systems will keep your pet cool and minimize the number of hours that he is awake. This means that he will be more comfortable during the day and will not be as likely to suffer from heat stroke. Heat exhaustion is very treatable. You should seek veterinary assistance and get your dog checked out if he is showing symptoms of exhaustion.
If your canine does heat stroke, you will want to get him some cool water to drink. Drinking cool water will minimize the amount of time that he is awake and will also help him cool down. A cool shower will also help but if your canine is shivering excessively, then ice cold water is best. Make sure you rinse his mouth with cool water to help dilute any of the chemicals that could cause issues.
When looking at an emergency dog heat stroke treatment, try to look for something that will keep your canine cool through the night. If your canine has access to a sunny area to spend time in, you will want to make sure that you provide him with some shade or light covering. He should never be left in direct sunlight, since it could result in burning.
Other conditions that could lead to overheating include dehydration, diabetic ketoacidosis, and kidney failure. Since these conditions can be lethal, you should try to cool your canine down as quickly as possible. He should never be allowed to remain outdoors without a good umbrella, cooler clothes, and a cool drinking water. An hyperthermia check up is the first step in treating and preventing this illness in your pet.